As Iniciativas Legislativas Europeias em Matéria de Promoção da Sociedade da Informação


  • Alexandre Figueiredo Instituto de Estudos Jornalísticos Faculdade de Letras Universidade de Coimbra


Palabras clave:

European Information Society, European Union, eeurope 2002, eeurope 2005, i2010, Agenda Digital


This paper aims to present the initiatives of European authorities, particularly the European Commission, regarding the promotion of information society in its various areas: development of telematic networks, online security, online privacy, promotion of electronic commerce, inclusiveness and combating digital divide, education and training, labor market, content production, online health, increasing the efficiency of transport systems, among others. These dimensions will be discussed considering the various proposals of the European Commission: eEurope 2002, eEurope 2005, i2010 and Digital Agenda.



Cómo citar

Figueiredo, A. (2012). As Iniciativas Legislativas Europeias em Matéria de Promoção da Sociedade da Informação. artciencia.Com, Revista De Arte, Ciência E Comunicação, (15).