Do Oriente ao Ocidente: A Representação da Dança do Ventre no Brasil


  • Marina Maria Albuquerque Costa -
  • Rafaela Queiroz Ferreira Cordeiro
  • Mariana Bezerra Moraes de Araújo



dança do ventre; mídia; produto cultural; globalização


The purpose of this article is to analyze the belly dance as a cultural good in Brazil. There were two significant moments in setting a new scenario up for belly dance in Brazil: the release of the song and music video Ralando o Tchan (1997) by the axé group called É o Tchan; and the broadcast of the soap opera O Clone (2001) by Globo television broadcaster. Thus, from the perspective that the subjects are active and responsive (Bakhtin, 1975), this paper analyzes how they interpreted the belly dance from the media coverage perspective. For that, we analyze (1) the answers given at an open questionnaire by professional belly dancers in Brazil; and (2) the answers given by the general public at a closed questionnaire. For the theoretical background, the following scholars were revisited: Giddens (1991, 2000), Adorno and Horkheimer (1978), Foucault (1975, 1977), among others.



How to Cite

Costa, M. M. A., Queiroz Ferreira Cordeiro, R., & Bezerra Moraes de Araújo, M. (2021). Do Oriente ao Ocidente: A Representação da Dança do Ventre no Brasil. artciencia.Com, Revista De Arte, Ciência E Comunicação, (24-25).